We are looking for volunteers to help in the lunchroom during UPK to grade 4 lunchtimes!
Lunchtimes are as follows. NOTE: Each grade has a separate sign up link and you can sign up for more than one grade/time!
We're now signing up for October 2024!
Please note that only those individuals who have been scheduled for a lunch period will be permitted to enter the building for the purpose of volunteering. The Main Office is provided with an updated calendar so they are aware and prepared when volunteers arrive at the school. Pop-ins are not allowed at this time. Thank you for understanding and your cooperation!
UPK: 10:30-11:00am - SIGN UP HERE
3rd Grade: 11:00-11:30am - SIGN UP HERE
4th Grade: 11:30-12:00pm - SIGN UP HERE
2nd Grade: 12:00-12:30pm - SIGN UP HERE
Kindergarten: 12:30-1:00pm - SIGN UP HERE
1st Grade: 1-1:30pm - SIGN UP HERE
Volunteers assist with lunch distribution, support CP cafeteria staff & school personnel, and help our students open difficult packaging (i.e., milk cartons, juice boxes, string cheese, etc.). This is a great opportunity to see your child during the school day while getting a glimpse at the classroom dynamic!
If you have any questions, please contact our Lunchroom Volunteer Coordinator at countrypkwyptavolunteers@gmail.com. If you are volunteering for more than one child, please provide information for all children in the form.
Thank you for your service to Country Parkway and our children!