September 15-21, 2024 -- the PTA will get 20% of sales!

Don't forget to enter promo code CPPIZZA at checkout!

What is ROTM?

ROTM stands for Restaurant of the Month.  The PTA raises funds by working with local restaurants to drive business to their establishment in exchange for a donation (typically a percentage of sales).  Everyone benefits from ROTM!  Families get to take a break from cooking dinner (and occaisionally breakfast or lunch), businesses increase sales, and the PTA raises money for the best cause of all... our Country Parkway Students!

Each month the PTA will sponsor a different restaurant.  Be sure to mention Country Parkway when ordering food from a designated ROTM to ensure that your purchase counts toward the restaurant's donation to the PTA. 

Interested in working with our PTA?

Do YOU own a local restaurant or business that would like to make a donation to or participate in an event with the PTA?  Restaurant owners can be added to our ROTM list by contacting Kristin Guckian at!

For other business sponsorships, please contact Amanda Durkin, PTA President, to discuss how your business can help support our school and community. 

We look forward to working with you!